JSON Filter Online - Online JSON Key Filter Tool

Tool Introduction
Usage instructions: 1. Paste or enter the JSON data you want to filter in the input box on the left. You can choose to click the button to format or compress JSON data, or select a JSON example for testing. 2. Set the filtering rule, you can choose the type of screening conditions (text or regular expression) and the way of screening. Text screening methods include: is, is not, starts with, does not start with, ends with, does not end with, contains, does not contain. Then enter the value you need to match. 3. After setting the filtering rule, the tool will automatically search and filter and display the results in the result area on the right. If the input JSON data is incorrect or does not conform to the JSON format, the error information will be displayed in the result area. We will try to parse your input JSON as much as possible, such as being able to parse some non-standard JSONs where the JSON key is not quoted. 4. The filtering results will retain their level in the original JSON. 5. Choosing array index to participate in the filter will treat the serial number of each item in the array as a string for searching. 6. If it is a nested object, when a certain key meets the search conditions, the search result will retain all the content of the object corresponding to the key. If you have other filtering suggestions or encounter problems during use, welcome to feedback to us through the 'About Us' at the bottom of the page. If you need to filter JSON values, try our 'Online JSON Value Filter Tool' by clicking the menu on the left. This tool allows you to filter JSON data online using numbers, text, and regular expressions.
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